Challenges in export of organic salmon from Norway to EU
Staff Writer |
Norwegian companies who have pursued organic salmon production are experiencing challenges with export to the EU market.
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"This is an unfortunate situation where the consequences over time can become significant for producers of organic salmon in Norway. We are working to find a solution to this situation," says Norwegian Minister of Fisheries Per Sandberg.
To resolve the matter EUs legislation on organic production and labelling of organic products must be formally incorporated into the EEA Agreement.
Then the challenges for Norwegian organic salmon will be resolved. The regulations for organic production was first adopted in 2007, and has been in force in the EU since 2009.
The Norwegian government is working to protect the interests of both the organic aquaculture industry and the organic agriculture industry. There is an ongoing process to get acceptance from the EU for some adjustments for the Norwegian organic agricultural sector in the EU regulations for organic production.
This has not been achieved so far. The Norwegian Minister of Agriculture and Food, Jon Georg Dale, will meet with the responsible EU Commissioner in September.
The desire for adjustments must be seen in the context of the objectives of the Norwegian Parliament for organic agricultural production in Norway.
"Norway is also dependent on Island consenting to include the legislation on organic production into the EEA Agreement.
"Iceland also wants adjustments for their agricultural sector. I will raise the issue with my Icelandic colleague when we meet in mid-August," says Per Sandberg, Norwegian Minister of Fisheries. ■
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