Governor Kathy Hochul announced the completion of a $1.7 million resiliency project on Lakeshore Road in the Town of Carlton, Orleans County, as part of the State's Resiliency and Economic Development Initiative (REDI).
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Past ice pressure and severe storm damage has eroded the bluff adjacent to Lakeshore Road, which not only created hazardous situations on the road, but also posed risks to public utilities and nearby private property.
To remedy this, the project addressed erosion issue and strengthened shoreline protection, through the installation of an onshore riprap revetment system with regraded slope.
In addition, the area between the revetment and the slope was vegetated to minimize potential erosion loss and protect the toe of the bluff. Improved stormwater collection and landscaping along the roadway will also help to reduce flooding during extreme precipitation events.
Additionally, Governor Hochul announced the completion of a $261,000 resiliency project awarded to the town of Carlton, also through the REDI program.
Flood resiliency measures undertaken in this project include the construction of a new access road and installation of riprap stone along the shoreline to protect the public water line during future high water events.
The shoreline along Lakeside Park Road, which runs along a peninsula between Lake Ontario and Johnson Creek, has experienced degradation due to repeated flooding events.
The shoreline erosion caused the access road to become unusable, resulting in the loss of land protecting homes, and approximately 300 linear feet of public water line at risk of being exposed and compromised. The completed project mitigates future flooding risk and reduces the erosion of the Lakeside Park Road, while ensuring safe access for residents and emergency responders, and protecting critical infrastructure. ■
A clipper system will move quickly across the northern Plains into the Midwest Friday and the Northeast by Saturday, bringing a wintry mix of rain and snow showers ahead of a sweeping cold front.