At least four people were killed and more than 200 were wounded in Venezuela during the latest attempt to oust President Nicolás Maduro.
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The Venezuelan Observatory of Social Conflict wrote on Twitter Thursday that overall, 57 protesters have been killed since the beginning of 2019, including two children and two adults who were killed in the last two days of demonstrations.
"Here are there names," the group said on Twitter, listing all 57 people they said have died.
The group said at least 239 people had been injured "throughout the country by bullets, pellets and tear gas" during Tuesday and Wednesday's protests.
Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro on Thursday called on the armed forces to oppose "any coup plotter" after a failed military uprising by forces supporting opposition leader Juan Guaido.
"Yes, we are in combat, keep morale high in this fight to disarm any traitor, any coup plotter," Maduro said at a televised event with the military high command in which he appeared surrounded by soldiers.
"No one can be afraid, it is the hour to defend our right to peace," he said at a ceremony in which, according to the government, 4,500 military personnel were present.
The President of the UN General Assembly, Maria Fernanda Espinosa, advocates this Thursday for a constructive dialogue in Venezuela to contribute to an understanding and impact on the welfare of the population.
According to Espinosa's spokeswoman, Monica Grayley, she has had several meetings with world leaders, such as those from the Caribbean Community, to foster these negotiations.
The United Nations Secretary General, Antonio Guterres, also insists on the need for dialogue and maintains his offer of good offices for it, but the Venezuelan opposition rejects any type of initiative in this sense.
Opposition leader Juan Guaido tried on Wednesday to spark a military defection and force Maduro from office.
Guaido has urged public employees to strike to undermine the government.
But Maduro praised the army's loyalty on Thursday, calling on the military to unite in a defence of the constitution. "No one dare touch our sacred ground or bring war to Venezuela", he said. ■
A hyperactive weather pattern will bring an expansive low pressure system across mainland U.S., resulting in widespread impactful weather to progress from west to east across the country through the next few days.