New York: $50 million to address vital needs of East Buffalo
- The combined $50 million investments represent only a first-step response
- Specialists will conduct door-to-door outreach
- The State is announcing a $2 million “Public Engagement Unit” pilot program
Governor Kathy Hochul announced new, $50 million of targeted investments to address the immediate needs of East Buffalo community.
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The State, County, and City will be launching a direct public engagement pilot program that intends to offer door-to-door education and access to benefits, services, and programs
Food insecurity remains the most immediately urgent and clearly the longest-standing systemic issue in East Buffalo.
The State will be providing a free shuttle from outside the Merriweather Library and the Resource Council of Western New York to the Price Rite grocery store on Elmwood Avenue
The Governor also announced a $3 million investment in the Resource Council of Western New York, one of the primary organizations providing daily services and food access to the East Buffalo community following the attack, that has been chosen as the State’s candidate to be a “Resiliency Center,” a federally-designated organization that becomes eligible to apply for and receive additional federal funding to provide social, housing and healthcare, and mental health services to the survivors of the attack and the family members of victims for up to three years.
The State is investing $7 million in both capital and operating grants for businesses in the 14208 and 14209 ZIP Codes.
Food insecurity remains the most immediately urgent and clearly the longest-standing systemic issue in East Buffalo. The closure of Tops has severely exacerbated the pre-existing food insecurity and food access issues, and it is imperative that there is notable investment in community-based and community-led food access.
Historic redlining and modern predatory lending practices have significantly destabilized housing in East Buffalo
In addition, to facilitate access to more food options for the residents of the neighborhood immediately surrounding Tops, the State will be providing a free shuttle from outside the Merriweather Library and the Resource Council of Western New York to the Price Rite grocery store on Elmwood Avenue until the re-opening of Tops, which is scheduled for late July 2022.
The shuttle service will begin on Sunday, July 19. The shuttle will run every 30 minutes from 10 AM until 7 PM daily starting Monday, June 20. On Sunday July 19, the shuttle will run from 10 AM until 4 PM.
This service builds on the NFTA’s existing fare holiday, which has also been extended until the end of July (including for associated paratransit service) for the following routes:
12 – Utica – Connects the East and West Side of Buffalo with the Utica and University Metro Rail stations.
13 – Kensington – Connects East Ferry Street and Bailey Avenue with Erie County Medical Center and Utica and University Metro Rail stations.
18 – Jefferson – Connects Cold Springs/Hamlin Park with the Masten, Fruit Belt and Emslie neighborhoods along Jefferson Avenue.
24 – Genesee – Connects residents of the East Side of Buffalo to Downtown and the Airport along Genesee Street.
Decades of disinvestment and the lack of community wealth have created severe challenges for East Buffalo small businesses.
The underutilization of services can often prevent low-income residents from being able to work towards economic stability and security
The State will also invest $1.5 million to partner with Goodwill to expand the ‘Goodskills’ Career Builder Program for East Buffalo.
This program will build off the Goodskills pilot program launched in 2021 and will equip individuals from communities in East Buffalo with the skills employers seek to fill higher-paying, in-demand jobs in manufacturing, technology, healthcare, and sales and services. Goodwill plans to open a new ‘Goodskills’ facility directly down the street from the Tops.
Historic redlining and modern predatory lending practices have significantly destabilized housing in East Buffalo and stymied the ability for individuals, families, and the community to build wealth. As a down payment on a longer-term investment in housing, the State is taking immediate steps to assist struggling homeowners in East Buffalo.
The State will invest $34.5 million, including:
$20 million for New York State Homes and Community Renewal and the Department of Taxation and Finance to serve up to 4,000 homeowners in need of tax, water, and sewage arrears assistance with an average award of $5,000;
$10 million to serve up to 1,000 homeowners with homes in need of serious repairs with an average award of $10,000; and
$4.5 million to serve up to 150 homeowners who will have access to down payment assistance with an average award of $30,000.
In addition to assisting homeowners, the State is announcing a $2 million “Public Engagement Unit” pilot program with Erie County and the City of Buffalo to contract with one or more local organizations to provide direct, one-on-one intensive benefits access and case management services, as local service provider organizations have identified a notable gap between the availability of benefits and services and their utilization.
The underutilization of services can often prevent low-income residents from being able to work towards economic stability and security.
The unit, which would launch later this year, is intended to consist of a highly-trained, specialized case management specialists that can identify specific social services, housing, and similar needs, take immediate action to address these needs, and make referrals (and track progress) of benefits cases.
When possible, specialists will conduct door-to-door outreach to ensure residents have direct access to assistance. Examples of benefits and services that the team would provide direct access to include, but are not limited to:
SNAP, Public Assistance
STAR exemptions
Medicaid, Medicare, and other Health Exchange options
Children’s Health Insurance Plan and State Children’s Health Insurance
lan Assistance with arrears
Assistance with programs related to home code compliance
The Governor, along with Mayor Byron Brown, also announced the launch of a Memorial Commission, to be convened by the City, in partnership with the State, and with State financial support.
The Commission will be tasked with working directly with community members to collectively ideate and create a 5/14 Memorial, one that is reflective of the community’s perspective on how the post-attack trauma must be addressed.
The combined $50 million investments represent only a first-step response to the needs of East Buffalo, which has suffered from decades of systemic disinvestment and failure of government policy.
In order to address the long-standing, deeply-rooted systemic challenges faces by the residents of East Buffalo, the Governor also announced the State’s intention to convene a community-led, and data-driven partnership between the State, the County, the City, academic institutions, philanthropic partners, the business community, and grassroots organizations that is intended to empower the community to identify the most important long-term priorities with respect to economic development, health equity, and education (among other topics), and determines the best multi-pronged, collaborative approaches to address these issues. ■