All NFU Scotland’s commodity committees and working groups combinable crops, livestock, milk, pigs, poultry and specialist crops have identified key steps and actions needed.
Pigs working group Chairman Jamie Wyllie was quick to praise the efforts of the abattoir and processing sector in keeping supply chains open throughout the crisis.
Mr Wyllie said: “I want to thank staff in our abattoirs and processing facilities for continuing to work throughout the crisis, allowing pigs to keep moving. Without their efforts, we would have been in a lot of trouble on farms.
“As we start to emerge from lockdown, it is important that we continue to focus support and activity towards keeping our abattoirs and processing sectors functioning.
“With panic buying now over, and retailers returning to more normal supply lines, we want to work with them on widening their product range to help carcase balance and reduce reliance on imports.
“At the same time, we want to see a greater commitment from all retailers to stock more Scottish pork. We have seen Aldi re-commit to all Scottish pork in recent weeks and we would want to see others do the same. Covid-19 has provided a sharp lesson on the need for locally produced food which retailers must get behind.
“Securing increased sales would be complemented by a new marketing push being given to the Specially Selected Scottish Pork brand.
“In ensuring the Scottish pig sector is fit for the future, we want to get in place longer term grant options that would support investments that deliver environmental and welfare benefits to our businesses and buildings.
“We would also back building on the excellent work the industry has undertaken on pig health schemes by giving consideration to expanding the self-funded disease eradication and control schemes already in place.” ■
A strong storm that originated over the Pacific has tracked through the Great Basin and is currently transitioning across the Rockies to redevelop across the central High Plains later today into early Saturday morning.