What's better than a beautiful view from an equally beautiful house? Just one thing: enjoying a day in the pool on the roof.
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To have a pool is a nice thing because it offers endless hours of fun and relaxation but for some the problem is where to build it and how to find the necessary space. However, there is a place that's perfect for a pool and it won't take a foot of your backyard: the roof. You can devote the whole area to the pool, with some "obligatory" elements like chairs, and you can play with size as shape to your heart's will and create a truly unique space for relaxation that's just few stairs away.
When creating a roof pool, you are in fact limited just by your imagination. You don't have to take care about neighbors or unwanted views, and the only thing you have to focus on is the design. One of most interesting styles is "ice cube," when the whole pool is in glass or with water that flows over the edges and the light around it gives a true icy feeling. The sound of water will bring additional tranquility to your space and if you add few plants, you can play with them as you wish, the feeling will be stunning.
If you want to feel more connected with nature, you can go with more elaborate pools and make a garden on the roof with a pool as a central point. You can follow the nature around you and embellish your space with familiar plant species or go in a totally different direction and create your own and unique garden. The only thing to keep in mind is left enough open space to enjoy that great view, everything else you can adapt to suit your mood and taste.
To be able to enjoy a spectacular view but you don't have time - or patience - to work on the pool, you can go simple. Since the most valuable asset, the view, you already have, the only thing you have to add is something to hold water, so to speak. So, a simple square shape will do, water-resistant wood flooring around it, and some lounge chairs for an afternoon nap. That's all you really need. Some shade is welcome to protect you if sun is too strong and, of course, a small fridge for cool drinks is a must. ■
A clipper system will move quickly across the northern Plains into the Midwest Friday and the Northeast by Saturday, bringing a wintry mix of rain and snow showers ahead of a sweeping cold front.