How many mornings you entered your bathroom, washed your face, brushed your teeth, send a kiss to a mirror and wished yourself a good day? But, did you actually see yourself in the mirror?
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Some scientists believe that every illness can be detected by monitoring changes on body parts such as skin or eyes. Many of those delicate details can seen only trained and educated person, however there are some evident and easy to see signs that you can't miss that indicate the change in your health.
If you notice that your skin suddenly became unclean and has little pimples, you probably have cysts on ovary, bladder inflammation or some problems with stomach. That's why after you visit beautician and dermatologist, you should visit doctor's office and gynaecologist. Tired and ashen skin signalize that your body needs water. You can easily test are you dehydrated to pinch the skin on the back of arm.
If skin doesn't come back the same second it means that you don't drink enough water. If you notice that you have dry skin that peels off and it's itchy because of unexplainable reason, that may be lichen or psoriasis. Lichen can appear anywhere on a body, but it appears more frequently on the elbows, joints and behind knees. If your skin colour is changed in orange or yellow, maybe you eat too much food that contains beta carotene (orange, carrot and other fruits and vegetables coloured in orange and yellow).
Yellow skin may be indication that you have problems with the liver or have jaundice. If you see those kind of changes on your skin, seek for medical help.
If your hair suddenly became weak and tiny that means that you probably need some minerals. Appearing of the white hairs before time is a sign that you need vitamin B12 which is, among other things, responsible for healthy hair and its pigmentation.
If you think that your eyebrows are suddenly more sparse or id they fall down, it is possible that your thyroid works slowly, for thyroid gland is responsible for hair grow. If your thyroid makes you such problems indeed, along with losing eyebrows the other symptoms will be dry skin, loss of weight and constant fatigue.
Reddish eyes or visible capillaries on the white of the eye are probably signs of irritation or infection. To protect the eyes, throw away all cosmetics that is older more than six months. If condition doesn’t change in the next few days seek for medical help because you maybe have more serious eye infection. Eye bags and pale eyelids may point to anaemia. Pale look appears because the body doesn't have enough red blood cells and you probably suffer from anaemia. If your eye vibrates than you probably caught a cold but the absence of magnesium may also be a reason for eye vibration.
Tired and slouch eyelids indicate that you are still sleepy, but they may be caused by poor lighting conditions or too much looking at the computer screen. Slouch eyelids may also signalize multiple scleroses. If they are puffy and you can easily see on which side you were sleeping, then they indicate that your kidneys work slowly.
Bleeding from the gum may appear because of poor oral hygiene and because of different inflammation processes. Poor diet and too much drinking alcohol can also affect changes on the gum. Gum bleeding can point to pregnancy because hormonal changes soften gum, but it can also point to lack of vitamin C. In very rare situations, bleeding from the gum can be sign of leukaemia or diseases that affect blood coagulation. If you notice that your teeth are smaller or sharper maybe you grind and clench your teeth during sleep. Some people clench teeth when they are under stress, some because of improper bite. Clenching teeth may cause headache, muscle tension and pain in the jaw.
Lips with cracks and dry lips sometimes may be caused by anaemia because of lack of iron. That can also be the warning signal for diabetes, especially if you notice other symptoms as weight loss and frequent urination. Pale lips can also point to heart and lungs problems because the flow of oxygen into the blood cells is reduced. Blue coloured lips point to serious condition in patient with the heart and lung problems. ■
Predominant upper-level ridging stretching from the Southwest to the southern High Plains will allow for another day of record-breaking heat across parts of Nevada and Arizona today.