Well, it depends on whom you ask. There is a bunch of studies saying it is and another bunch saying it is not. If you ask women they'll generally smile and say there are much more important things than the size of your masculinity. So, why are you worried?
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The obsession with the penis and its size is one of the most spread obsessions in a number of societies, the one that can very easily slip from a small chat at the coffee table to a real obsession that needs a psychiatric help.
Let us first define what we are talking about. Small Penis Syndrome belongs to a group of disorders known as Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD), a condition where a consistent perception exists that a part of the body, or the whole body, is larger or smaller than it actually is. Anorexia is one example: the patient sees the body as fat, no matter how many kilograms the scale weight shows.
The same is true for the people obsessed with the size of their penis: it may be perfectly functional and healthy, but they see it as small. This is not a switched mirrors problem where a special mirror in the shop will make you thin; patients with this syndrome really see their penis as small under every circumstance. As it is the case with any obsession, it grows with time and eventually becomes the central point around which everything in life is evolving.
Now, where are the roots of that obsession? One theory, and it makes sense, finds reasons in our genes or more precisely in ancient history. In short, our female ancestors preferred more fertile partners and what's the better proof of being able to make kid than to show a penis bigger than your rivals? A small problem with the theory is that human testes are small as a proportion of body size and we know they are important for fertility. In any case, the theory makes sense.
Now, jump to present days: Males must not fight for females, females have a completely different picture of what a fertile man is, and the penis size is of no importance at all for a successful life. But, the obsession with the size doesn't want to go away. Why?
Anxiety or insecurity about penis size is common in men although we don't know how many men are suffering because patients with BDD focused on penis don't visit doctors. And indeed, they think they have a physical problem, so they will contact a plastic surgeon before they come to idea to visit to their shrink. And if they don't ask for help they will measure their erections repeatedly, they will avoid dating, and the phase 3 is trying some of penis enlargement techniques.
The problem here is, there is "I don't love you" feeling at both sides: A patient is not satisfied with his penis, and the penis is not satisfied with its owner. Obsessive measuring every day is leading to a sexual dysfunction and the vicious circle is closed.
An interesting thing here is that we actually don't know what a "big penis" is. Here is good to forget all studies and take a common sense approach: If it can get the job done and your partner is satisfied, than it's OK. Simple as that. OK, let's mention some data. Studies show that the average erection is approximately 5 inches long. Functionally speaking, if erect penis is 3 inches long, it's functional. Quite a different picture of 8-inch monsters from XXX movies, isn't it?
Furthermore, there is no correlation between penis size and race, nor there is a relation between penis and any other part of the body. And there is not, of course, a correlation between the penis size and the level of satisfaction in woman.
So, what can be done about this problem? All help can be divided in three groups: self-help, shrink, and surgery.
Self-help can help a lot. If you are obsessed with the size of your male organ, have in mind that it is not something that will attract or repel a woman. Remember all people you consider not the best looking in the world, yet having a bunch of female friends. Yes, their personalities are that secret ingredient that makes the attractive. Ability to make a woman smile, ability to carry the burden of male part of the relationship, ability to accept them as they are, those are their key characteristics.
Shrink can also help a lot. If your life is revolving around measuring and you think your date will leave you the moment you show yourself naked, ask for help. Don't wait because you will find yourself in a circle you can't break and your misery will grow daily. And don't use penis enlargement pill or other methods from the internet, they a) most probably won't work and b) they actually may hurt you to the point of irreparable damage.
And now, the surgery. Plastic surgery can help in some cases when penis is not functional but it is our opinion it shouldn't be used to enlarge, for example, from five to eight inches. Just ask yourself how long you will be satisfied with your new size and what if "Well, it's OK but maybe it could be a bit longer" thought crosses your mind. Another surgery? You are in the circle again. ■
Modified arctic air combined with a moisture-laden area of low pressure along the Gulf Coast will continue to allow for a broad area of winter weather impacts from the Lower Mississippi Valley to the Southeast today into early Saturday morning.