Texas Governor Greg Abbott tested positive for the coronavirus and is receiving an antibody treatment, though he has no symptoms, the governor’s office announced.
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An opponent of mask and vaccine mandates, Abbott has taken his opposition to such requirements all the way to the State Supreme Court. Abbott is fully vaccinated.
Gov. Greg Abbott announced Thursday that for the second time amid a recent surge in COVID-19 hospitalizations that Texas will increase the number of state-funded relief workers it will be sending to Texas hospitals, bringing the total to 8,100.
The Texas Department of State Health Services had previously authorized contracting 5,600 medical personnel, and Thursday’s announcement adds 2,500 more.
Statewide, 13,666 people were hospitalized with the virus as of Monday, a roughly 12 percent jump from the prior Monday. Southeast Texas on Monday surpassed 4,000 COVID-19 hospitalizations for the first time. By Tuesday, 4,359 people were hospitalized in general beds and ICUs in the 25-county region that includes Houston, according to the Southeast Texas Regional Advisory Council. Average daily hospitalizations in the Texas Medical Center also hit a new record last week.
Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins said it can require masks in public schools, colleges and businesses, a state district judge ruled Wednesday siding against Abbott.
Attorney General Ken Paxton commends the Texas Supreme Court’s decision to grant the emergency motion for temporary relief in the case of Abbott v. San Antonio, keeping the decision to enforce mask mandates with the governor, not local government entities.[break]
The court said that the status quo has been gubernatorial oversight in decisions regarding the public during the pandemic, and this decision keeps with the status quo.
“The Texas Supreme Court has sided with the law, and the decision to enforce mask mandates lies with the governor’s legislatively-granted authority,” Attorney General Paxton said.
“Mask mandates across our state are illegal, and judges must abide by the law. Further non-compliance will result in more lawsuits.” ■
A strong storm that originated over the Pacific has tracked through the Great Basin and is currently transitioning across the Rockies to redevelop across the central High Plains later today into early Saturday morning.