Brazil kicks off second corn harvest ahead of historical average
Staff Writer |
The harvest of Brazil's 2016-17 second corn crop has reached 2.6% of the planted area, up from 1.6% in the 4-year average, Brazilian analysts AgRural said, citing the dry weather that favors work in the fields.
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Last week, AgRural estimated the harvested area was at 0.6% of planted area. A year ago, second crop harvest was estimated at 3%.
"One week of clearer skies in the most of Brazil's Center-South region helped the early stages of the harvest," said Daniele Siqueira, grains analyst at AgRural, said in a report.
Brazil is going to produce a record corn crop this year, boosted by very good weather conditions.
AgRural estimates a total crop of 97.8 million mt in 2016-17, up 47% from the previous season, which was severely affected by poor rains.
The bulk of Brazilian corn production takes place in the second, or winter, crop, usually planted immediately after the soybean summer crop.
Known locally as "safrinha," the second corn crop will climb to 67.1 million mt this year, up from 40.7 million mt in 2015-16, according to the analyst.
The harvest in Mato Grosso state, Brazil's largest grains producers, has reached 6.6%, and in Parana, second most important state, it has not hit 1% yet, according to AgRural.
The Second crop harvest will gain pace later in June, with a peak in July and early August.
Larger amounts of corn should be available to export at Brazilian ports in July, August and September.
Brazil will be the world's second-largest corn exporter in 2016-17, only behind the U.S., according to U.S. Department of Agriculture.
Brazil will ship 34 million mt of corn, up from 14 million mt last season. ■
A hyperactive weather pattern will bring an expansive low pressure system across mainland U.S., resulting in widespread impactful weather to progress from west to east across the country through the next few days.