Governor Kathy Hochul announced the start of construction on a series of flood resiliency projects in Jefferson County.
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The four projects breaking ground along the Town of Alexandria and Village of Alexandria Bay were awarded more than $3.8 million in grant funding through the State's Lake Ontario Resiliency and Economic Development Initiative.
The Village of Alexandria Bay and Town of Alexandria experienced devastating flooding in 2019, when the waters of Lake Ontario and the St. Lawrence River rose to historic levels.
The extensive flooding resulted in significant damage to both the Town and Village's public infrastructure, including docks, boat launches, wharfs, and water treatment facilities. Dock closures are hard on a community which thrives on a tourism-based economy and relies on recreational boaters and anglers visiting the region.
The Village of Alexandria Bay was awarded a total of $3.36 million by the REDI Commission for three projects.
The Town of Alexandria was awarded $455,000 to complete their REDI project. The announcement includes:
1. Upper and Lower James Street Docks, $2 million: The Upper and Lower James Street docks are a vital access point into the Village of Alexandria Bay, not only for the residents of the approximately 20 islands within the Village boundaries, but also for island and waterfront residents in areas outside of the Village limits.
The docks serve as a gateway for visitors and tourists from the St. Lawrence River as the main portal for those arriving by boat, allowing direct access to the James Street business district.
During the flooding of 2019, the docks were underwater and inaccessible to boaters.
To ensure that the docks may remain open in future high-water events, the entire Lower James Street Dock and a section of the Upper James Street Dock will be replaced with a new floating dock system. The remaining Upper James Street Dock will be elevated above flood level.
2. Scenic View Park Pier, $1.1 million: The Village's Scenic View Park is a three-acre public park located on the banks of the St. Lawrence River, and includes a pavilion, a public beach, a community playground, as well as a concrete wharf along the river.
The wharf is 200 feet in length, is one of the largest docking locations within the community and is the sole public location in the Village of Alexandria Bay that can accommodate larger boats and cruise ships.
In 2019, the wharf was completely submerged, causing the structure to become severely deteriorated and damaged in several areas making portions of the wharf unusable.
Through the REDI program, sections of the wharf will be repaired or completely replaced mitigating future damage and allowing continued use when water levels are above average.
The project will also include additional site upgrades including new concrete walkways, installation of an Americans with Disabilities Act-compliant lift for wheelchairs and strollers, and lighting along wharf and walkway.
3. Village Water Treatment Plant, $260,000: The Village of Alexandria Bay's Water Treatment Plant provides potable water to commercial properties, the River Hospital, and residents within the Village as well as six outside water districts in the Towns of Alexandria, Orleans, Clayton, and Theresa.
Due to its proximity to the St. Lawrence River, during high water events the water treatment plant is within inches of being flooded.
Both the treatment plant and wet well are exposed to waves that can easily reach two feet in height, overtopping the wet well.
Flooding of the wet well and water treatment plant would compromise water quality and availability.
Flood mitigation measures for this project include installing a new concrete slab in the water filtration plant so the finished floor elevation is above the historic high-water levels.
A new precast section will also be added to the raw water wet well so it is above high water levels.
This project also includes the installation of riprap to protect the water filtration plant from wave action, and exterior wall improvements.
4. Goose Bay Boat Launch, $455,000: The Town of Alexandria owns and maintains the Goose Bay Boat Launch. The launch is popular with the residents and visitors of Goose Bay, as well as hunters and anglers, due to the easy access to the St Lawrence River.
The boat ramp was submerged under water as a result of elevated river levels in 2019 and cannot be used during high water conditions due to the low bulkhead elevation.
Alternately, during low water conditions, the boat ramp does not extend far enough into the Bay to launch boats safely and the area at the end of the ramp is too shallow and needs to be dredged.
Resiliency measures to be implemented at the Goose Bay Boat Launch include raising the concrete bulkhead, dredging at the end of boat ramp, and installing a new boat ramp.
Additionally, the existing parking area will be enlarged, and a pedestrian walkway will be created. ■
A clipper system will move quickly across the northern Plains into the Midwest Friday and the Northeast by Saturday, bringing a wintry mix of rain and snow showers ahead of a sweeping cold front.